
User and Group Administration

In Red Hat Linux, there are three different types of user accounts.

Root, Normal user, System account (pseudo-user)

Root user

  • The root user is the equivalent of the Administrator or Enterprise Admin account in the windows world.
  • It is most powerful account on the system and has access to everything.

Normal user

  • Normal user accounts have no write access to anything on the system except their home directory.
  • They can read and explorer much of the system, however

System account (pseudo-user)

  • The system user account is similar to a normal user account.
  • The main different is that system user normally don’t have a home directory and can’t log in the way normal user do.
  • Many system users are created or associated or service to help run them more securely. Think of the situation this way: If a system user is created for the Apache service (the web server), and the account becomes compromised, the attacker will have access only to the web server and its config files. This could be worse if the Apache service were running as the root user; in that case, the attacker would have full access to the system. These are just some additional reasons why you should never truly need the root account unless there is a problem with the system.



1.        Useradd Creates user or system accounts
2.        Groupadd Creates a group
3.        Passwd Set a password or resets a password for a user account
4.        Gpasswd Set encrypt group password
5.        Usermod Modifies user accounts
6.        Groupmod Modifies the properties of a group
7.        Userdel Remove a user or system account
8.        Groupdel Delete a group
9.        Id Shows UID/GID for the group of a given user
10.    Chsh To change the user login SHELL
11.    Chage Enables you to modify the parameters surrounding passwords (complexity, age, expiration)
12.    Pwck Verifies the consistency of passwords across database file
13.    Users Currently logged in user displayed
14.    Groups Print the groups a user is in
15.    Newusers create bulk user using file method
16.    system-config-users Graphically add the user and group
17.    userinfo Graphically to change the user information
18.    su Switching user
19.    sudo Sudo user
20.   finger The finger displays information about the system users.
21.   groupmems The groupmems command allows a user to administer his/her own group membership list without the requirement of superuser privileges

User, Group and password configuration files

Directory and Files


/etc/passwd The password for a user
/etc/group The group to which the user belongs
/etc/shadow Encrypted password file
/etc/gshadow Encrypted password file for groups
/etc/shells The login shells, such as BASH or TCSH
/etc/skel The default initialization files for the login shell, such as .bash_profile, .bashrc, and .bash_logout; includes many user setup directories and files such as .kde for KDE and Desktop for GNOME
/etc/login.defs Default login definitions for users
/etc/defaults/useradd Default user account creation
/etc/securetty To specify the which tty device allowed root login account access
/home The user’s own home directory

The password file

Syntax of /etc/passwd:               account:password:UID:GID:GECOS:directory:shell
  • It contains basic information every user.
  • Other user in this file may relate to services such as mail, ftp, and sshd.
  • There are 7 columns of information in this file.

1.             Username        Login name of the user

2.             Password         Encrypted password for the user’s account

3.             User ID                       Unique number assigned by the system

4.             Group ID                    Number used to identify the group to which the user belongs

5.             Comment        Any user information, such as the user’s full name

6.             Home              The user’s home directory

7.             LoginShell       Shell to run when the user logs in; this is the default     shell, usually /bin/bash

[root@server1 ~]# grep -i “ayyappan” /etc/passwd


the password filed is actually just placeholder (with an x). The reason is that the passwords are actually in different file /etc/shadow.

TipsYou can find out which users are currently logged in with the commandw                     – detailed informationwho                 – detailed data


who am i

[root@server1 ~]# w

09:19:09 up  1:41,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT

root     tty1     :0               07:42    1:41m  6.05s  6.05s /usr/bin/Xorg :

root     pts/0    :0.0             08:28    0.00s  0.02s  0.00s w

[root@server1 ~]# who

root     tty1         2012-07-24 07:42 (:0)

root     pts/0        2012-07-24 08:28 (:0.0)

[root@server1 ~]# whoami


[root@server1 ~]# who am i

root     pts/0        2012-07-24 08:28 (:0.0)

The group file

Syntax of /etc/group


  • Every Linux user is assigned to a group.
  • There are 4 columns of information in the file.

1.      Group name

2.      Password

3.      Group ID

4.      Group members

[root@server1 ~]# grep -i “skylark” /etc/group


The shadow and gshadow  file

Syntax of /etc/shadow


/etc/shadow and /etc/gshadow

  • The passwords are kept in a separate file called /etc/shadow.
  • Access is restricted to the root user.
  • A Corresponding password file, called /etc/gshadow, is also maintained for groups that require passwords.
  • /etc/shadow 8columns information
  • /etc/gshadow 4columns information

1.      Username

2.      Password

3.      Password history

4.      Min days

5.      Max days

6.      Warn days

7.      Inactive

8.      disabled

[root@server1 ~]# grep -i “ayyappan” /etc/shadow


1.      Group name

2.      Password

3.      Groupd ID

4.      Group members

[root@server1 ~]# grep -i “skylark” /etc/gshadow


TipsVipw, vigr      à        edit the password, group, shadow and gshadows fileOptions-g         –           edit group databse

-p         –           edit password database

-q         –           quit

-s         –           edit shadow and gshadow database

User Account Initialization

When a user is created, everything from the /etc/skel directory is copied to the user’s newly created home directory (usually /home/). You can modify these “skeleton” files or can add own custom files. The benefit here is that user creation becomes standardized, ensuring that polices are adhered to. The customizable files are broken down into two different sections:

User-specific files and system-wide settings

User-Specific files

After a user is created and his home directory is populated, that user can now customize those files to fit his own personal needs. For example, the user might like to have certain PATH values or specific environment variables set. The following three files allow a user to customize the login experience to his own style.

~/.bashrc                     –           Defines functions and aliased

~/.bash_profile                       –           Sets environment variables

~/.bash_logout                        –           Defines any commands that should be executed before the log out

[root@server1 ~]# useradd -c “K.P. AYYAPPAN ” ayyappan

[root@server1 ~]# passwd ayyappan

[root@server1 ~]# ls -a /home/ayyappan/

.  ..  .bash_logout  .bash_profile  .bashrc  .gnome2  .mozilla

[root@server1 ~]# ls -a /etc/skel/

.  ..  .bash_logout  .bash_profile  .bashrc  .gnome2  .mozilla

Editing these files allows each user to be unique I the way he operations. Because each file is stored in the user’s home directory, that file is limited to use by that single user. What happens, though, if there is standard that you’d like set when users start out? Glad you asked.

Global user configuration

Just as in the /etc/skel directory, you can edit the following three additional files to provide a more standardized format for your users:

/etc/bashrc      –           Defines functions and aliases

/etc/profile      –           Sets environment variables

/etc/profile.d   –           Specifies a directory that contains scripts that are called by the /etc/profile file.

These files help you make sure that your users receive everything they need and when they get started. If you require that settings be changed for your users, customizing these files is the way to go. Just make sure that when you’re editing files for distribution, you make sure you’re editing system-wide config files and not the config files within a user’s home directory.


[root@server1 ~]# ls -a /home/ayyappan/

.  ..  .bash_history  .bash_logout  .bash_profile  .bashrc  .gnome2  .mozilla

.bashrc            –           This file is used to controls user variable and other profile during his login session. If you want to execute any command automatically user logon set that command in this file. For example if user “ayyappan” wants to clear screen immediately after her login. He needs to add command at end of this file.

vim .bashrc
# add your command only in the end of file

Create a user and set exit command in his .bashrc files. Now ask your friends login with this user. Exit commands will logout the user as soon as user will login and user never will be able to login.

.bash_profile        –              This script file instructs user session to check .bashrc file for user aliases and functions. Further its set user command path.  Add your own home directory in command path. Edit this file. For example user “ayyappan” wants here home directory should be check while executing commands he can add this line in here .bash_profile files.

vim .bash_profile




.bash_logout          –              This file is used to clear the terminal after the exit of current user.

vim /home/ayyappan/.bash_logout

# ~/.bash_logout




To stop the overwriting of the file

[root@server1 Desktop]# set -o noclobber

[root@server1 Desktop]# echo “ayyappan” > test

bash: test: cannot overwrite existing file

[root@server1 Desktop]# set +o noclobber

[root@server1 Desktop]# echo “ayyappan” > test

[root@server1 Desktop]# cat test


To stop logout form ctrl+D in terminal

[root@server1 Desktop]# set -o ignoreeof

Press ctrl+D

[root@server1 Desktop]# Use “exit” to leave the shell.

[root@server1 Desktop]# set +o ignoreeof

Now press ctrl+D

The default login file /etc/login.defs

  • This file controls specific relating to system-wide user logins and passwords.

[root@server1 ~]# grep -v ^# /etc/login.defs

MAIL_DIR    /var/spool/mail





UID_MIN                                 500

UID_MAX                             60000

GID_MIN                                 500

GID_MAX                             60000

CREATE_HOME      yes

UMASK           077




These values should all be self-explanatory. You can edit them if you don’t like the give defaults, but make sure you remember that these are local to this system and don’t apply on other systems on your network unless you change them there as well. Initialization files can save you a great deal of time so that you don’t have to create custom profile and scripts for individual users every time they are created. This process does take some planning ahead, however, and making sure that your file and custom scripts are distributed to all users (even if they have already been created).

Switching Accounts

  • “su”     enables you to run a command as another user or switch user accounts


su  username

su – username

  • The “su” commands move you into the root user account without initializing any of root’s path or shell variables.
  • The “su – “ commands everything is initialized as if you were logging in from the console.
  • “sudo” enables you to run a command as the root user

The default user add file /etc/defaults/useradd

[root@server1 ~]# cat /etc/default/useradd

# useradd defaults file








To specify the which tty device allowed root login account access

[root@server1 Desktop]# cat /etc/securetty
























User and Group Management Command man and help file

[root@server1 Desktop]# useradd –usage

useradd: unrecognized option ‘–usage’

Usage: useradd [options] LOGIN


-b, –base-dir BASE_DIR       base directory for the home directory of the new account

-c, –comment COMMENT         GECOS field of the new account

-d, –home-dir HOME_DIR       home directory of the new account

-D, –defaults                print or change default useradd configuration

-e, –expiredate EXPIRE_DATE  expiration date of the new account

-f, –inactive INACTIVE       password inactivity period of the new account

-g, –gid GROUP               name or ID of the primary group of the new


-G, –groups GROUPS           list of supplementary groups of the new


-h, –help                    display this help message and exit

-k, –skel SKEL_DIR           use this alternative skeleton directory

-K, –key KEY=VALUE           override /etc/login.defs defaults

-l, –no-log-init             do not add the user to the lastlog and

faillog databases

-m, –create-home             create the user’s home directory

-M, –no-create-home          do not create the user’s home directory

-N, –no-user-group           do not create a group with the same name as

the user

-o, –non-unique              allow to create users with duplicate

(non-unique) UID

-p, –password PASSWORD       encrypted password of the new account

-r, –system                  create a system account

-s, –shell SHELL             login shell of the new account

-u, –uid UID                 user ID of the new account

-U, –user-group              create a group with the same name as the user

-Z, –selinux-user SEUSER     use a specific SEUSER for the SELinux user mapping

[root@server1 Desktop]# groupadd –usage

groupadd: unrecognized option ‘–usage’

Usage: groupadd [options] GROUP


-f, –force                   exit successfully if the group already exists,

and cancel -g if the GID is already used

-g, –gid GID                 use GID for the new group

-h, –help                    display this help message and exit

-K, –key KEY=VALUE           override /etc/login.defs defaults

-o, –non-unique              allow to create groups with duplicate

(non-unique) GID

-p, –password PASSWORD       use this encrypted password for the new group

-r, –system                  create a system account

[root@server1 Desktop]# userdel –usage

userdel: unrecognized option ‘–usage’

Usage: userdel [options] LOGIN


-f, –force                   force removal of files,

even if not owned by user

-h, –help                    display this help message and exit

-r, –remove                  remove home directory and mail spool

-Z, –selinux-user            remove SELinux user from SELinux user mapping

Groupdel  groupname

[root@server1 Desktop]# passwd –help

Usage: passwd [OPTION…]

-k, –keep-tokens       keep non-expired authentication tokens

-d, –delete            delete the password for the named account (root only)

-l, –lock              lock the named account (root only)

-u, –unlock            unlock the named account (root only)

-f, –force             force operation

-x, –maximum=DAYS      maximum password lifetime (root only)

-n, –minimum=DAYS      minimum password lifetime (root only)

-w, –warning=DAYS      number of days warning users receives before password

expiration (root only)

-i, –inactive=DAYS     number of days after password expiration when an account

becomes disabled (root only)

-S, –status            report password status on the named account (root only)

–stdin                 read new tokens from stdin (root only)

Help options:

-?, –help              Show this help message

–usage                 Display brief usage message

[root@server1 Desktop]# gpasswd –help

gpasswd: unrecognized option ‘–help’

Usage: gpasswd [option] GROUP


-a, –add USER                add USER to GROUP

-d, –delete USER             remove USER from GROUP

-r, –remove-password         remove the GROUP’s password

-R, –restrict                restrict access to GROUP to its members

-M, –members USER,…        set the list of members of GROUP

-A, –administrators ADMIN,…

set the list of administrators for GROUP

Except for the -A and -M options, the options cannot be combined.

[root@server1 Desktop]# usermod –usage

Usage: usermod [options] LOGIN


-c, –comment COMMENT         new value of the GECOS field

-d, –home HOME_DIR           new home directory for the user account

-e, –expiredate EXPIRE_DATE  set account expiration date to EXPIRE_DATE

-f, –inactive INACTIVE       set password inactive after expiration


-g, –gid GROUP               force use GROUP as new primary group

-G, –groups GROUPS           new list of supplementary GROUPS

-a, –append                  append the user to the supplemental GROUPS

mentioned by the -G option without removing

him/her from other groups

-h, –help                    display this help message and exit

-l, –login NEW_LOGIN         new value of the login name

-L, –lock                    lock the user account

-m, –move-home               move contents of the home directory to the

new location (use only with -d)

-o, –non-unique              allow using duplicate (non-unique) UID

-p, –password PASSWORD       use encrypted password for the new password

-s, –shell SHELL             new login shell for the user account

-u, –uid UID                 new UID for the user account

-U, –unlock                  unlock the user account

-Z, –selinux-user            new SELinux user mapping for the user account

[root@server1 Desktop]# groupmod –usage

groupmod: unrecognized option ‘–usage’

Usage: groupmod [options] GROUP


-g, –gid GID                 change the group ID to GID

-h, –help                    display this help message and exit

-n, –new-name NEW_GROUP      change the name to NEW_GROUP

-o, –non-unique              allow to use a duplicate (non-unique) GID

-p, –password PASSWORD       change the password to this (encrypted)


[root@server1 Desktop]# id –help

Usage: id [OPTION]… [USERNAME]

Print user and group information for the specified USERNAME,

or (when USERNAME omitted) for the current user.

-a              ignore, for compatibility with other versions

-Z, –context   print only the security context of the current user

-g, –group     print only the effective group ID

-G, –groups    print all group IDs

-n, –name      print a name instead of a number, for -ugG

-r, –real      print the real ID instead of the effective ID, with -ugG

-u, –user      print only the effective user ID

–help     display this help and exit

–version  output version information and exit

[root@server1 Desktop]# chsh –usage

chsh: unrecognized option ‘–usage’

Usage: chsh [ -s shell ] [ –list-shells ] [ –help ] [ –version ]

[ username ]

[root@server1 Desktop]# chage –usage

chage: unrecognized option ‘–usage’

Usage: chage [options] [LOGIN]


-d, –lastday LAST_DAY        set date of last password change to LAST_DAY

-E, –expiredate EXPIRE_DATE  set account expiration date to EXPIRE_DATE

-h, –help                    display this help message and exit

-I, –inactive INACTIVE       set password inactive after expiration


-l, –list                    show account aging information

-m, –mindays MIN_DAYS        set minimum number of days before password

change to MIN_DAYS

-M, –maxdays MAX_DAYS        set maximim number of days before password

change to MAX_DAYS

-W, –warndays WARN_DAYS      set expiration warning days to WARN_DAYS

User and Groups Management Examples

1.      Create two user account and set password

[root@server1 ~]# useradd -c “R.B. Ayyappan Babu” ayyappan

[root@server1 ~]# passwd ayyappan

Changing password for user ayyappan.

New password:

BAD PASSWORD: it is WAY too short

BAD PASSWORD: is too simple

Retype new password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

[root@server1 ~]# useradd -c “T.V. REEGAN KUMAR” reegan

[root@server1 ~]# passwd reegan

Changing password for user reegan.

New password:

BAD PASSWORD: it is WAY too short

BAD PASSWORD: is too simple

Retype new password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

2.      Create two group and password

[root@server1 ~]# groupadd skylark

[root@server1 ~]# groupadd cordia

[root@server1 ~]# gpasswd skylark

Changing the password for group skylark

New Password:

Re-enter new password:

[root@server1 ~]# gpasswd cordia

Changing the password for group cordia

New Password:

Re-enter new password:

3.      Delete (remove) user password (without need password login user account)

[root@server1 ~]# passwd -d ayyappan

Removing password for user ayyappan.

passwd: Success

[root@server1 ~]# su – reegan

[reegan@server1 ~]$ su – ayyappan

[ayyappan@server1 ~]$ su – reegan


[reegan@server1 ~]$ logout

[ayyappan@server1 ~]$ logout

[reegan@server1 ~]$ logout

4.      Remove the group password

[root@server1 ~]# grep -i “skylark” /etc/gshadow


[root@server1 ~]# gpasswd -r skylark

[root@server1 ~]# grep -i “skylark” /etc/gshadow


5.      Lock and unlock user login password

First to check the status

[root@server1 Desktop]# passwd -S ayyappan

ayyappan PS 2012-10-01 0 99999 7 -1 (Password set, SHA512 crypt.)

[root@server1 Desktop]# passwd -l ayyappan           or         usermod –L ayyappan

Locking password for user ayyappan.

passwd: Success

[root@server1 Desktop]# su – reegan

[reegan@server1 ~]$ su – ayyappan


su: incorrect password

[root@server1 Desktop]# passwd -u ayyappan

Unlocking password for user ayyappan.

passwd: Warning: unlocked password would be empty.

passwd: Unsafe operation (use -f to force)

[root@server1 Desktop]# passwd -fu ayyappan or    usermod –U ayyappan

Unlocking password for user ayyappan.

passwd: Success

[root@server1 Desktop]# su – reegan

[reegan@server1 ~]$ su – ayyappan

[ayyappan@server1 ~]$


[root@server1 Desktop]# passwd ayyappan

[root@server1 Desktop]# passwd reegan

[root@server1 Desktop]# usermod -L ayyappan

[root@server1 Desktop]# su – reegan

[reegan@server1 ~]$ su – ayyappan


su: incorrect password

[reegan@server1 ~]$ logout

[root@server1 Desktop]# usermod -U ayyappan

[root@server1 Desktop]# su – reegan

[reegan@server1 ~]$ su – ayyappan


[ayyappan@server1 ~]$ logout

[reegan@server1 ~]$ logout

6.      Delete the username and groupname

[root@server1 Desktop]# userdel -rf ayyappan

[root@server1 Desktop]# userdel -rf reegan

[root@server1 Desktop]# groupdel cordia

[root@server1 Desktop]# groupdel skylark

7.      To change the username “ayyappan” to “babu” and group name “rooman” to “skylark”

[root@server1 ~]# usermod -l babu ayyappan

[root@server1 ~]# groupmod -n skylark rooman

[root@server1 ~]# grep -i “ayyappan” /etc/passwd


[root@server1 ~]# grep -i “skylark” /etc/group


8.      User “ayyappan” add to primary group “skylark

User “babu” add to primary and secondary group “skylark” and “cordia”

[root@server1 Desktop]# usermod -g skylark ayyappan

[root@server1 Desktop]# usermod -G cordia babu

[root@server1 Desktop]# usermod -G cordia,skylark babu

9.      To check the user id (UID) and (GID) then change.

RHEL default is 500 and maximum limit is 65534.

[root@server1 Desktop]# id ayyappan

uid=500(ayyappan) gid=502(skylark) groups=502(skylark)

[root@server1 Desktop]# id babu

uid=501(babu) gid=501(babu) groups=501(babu),502(skylark),503(cordia)

[root@server1 Desktop]# usermod -u 700 ayyappan

[root@server1 Desktop]# usermod -u 701 babu

[root@server1 Desktop]# groupmod -g 900 skylark

[root@server1 Desktop]# groupmod -g 901 cordia

[root@server1 Desktop]# id ayyappan

uid=700(ayyappan) gid=900(skylark) groups=900(skylark)

[root@server1 Desktop]# id babu

uid=701(babu) gid=501(babu) groups=501(babu),900(skylark),901(cordia)

[root@server1 Desktop]# groupmod -g 701 babu

[root@server1 Desktop]# id babu

uid=701(babu) gid=701(babu) groups=701(babu),900(skylark),901(cordia)

10.  Remove user from group

[root@server1 /]# usermod -g skylark ayyappan

[root@server1 /]# usermod -G skylark,cordia babu

[root@server1 /]# id ayyappan

uid=502(ayyappan) gid=504(skylark) groups=504(skylark)

[root@server1 /]# id babu

uid=503(babu) gid=503(babu) groups=503(babu),504(skylark),505(cordia)

[root@server1 /]# gpasswd -d ayyappan skylark

Removing user ayyappan from group skylark

gpasswd: user ‘ayyappan’ is not a member of ‘skylark’

[root@server1 /]# gpasswd -d babu skylark

Removing user babu from group skylark

[root@server1 /]# gpasswd -d babu cordia

Removing user babu from group cordia

[root@server1 /]# id babu

uid=503(babu) gid=503(babu) groups=503(babu)

11.  Move content of the home directory to the new location user for “ayyappan”

[root@server1 ~]# ls -l /home/

total 4

drwx——. 4 ayyappan ayyappan 4096 Jul 25 09:51 ayyappan

[root@server1 ~]# mkdir /newhome

[root@server1 ~]# usermod -m -d /newhome/ayyappan ayyappan

[root@server1 ~]# ls -l /home

total 0

[root@server1 ~]# ls -l /newhome/

total 4

drwx——. 4 ayyappan ayyappan 4096 Jul 25 09:51 ayyappan

12.  To create user without home directory and change the shell no login that user

[root@server1 ~]# useradd -M ftpuser

[root@server1 ~]# ls -l /home/

total 0

[root@server1 ~]# passwd ftpuser

[root@server1 ~]# su – ftpuser

su: warning: cannot change directory to /home/ftpuser: No such file or directory

-bash-4.1$ echo $SHELL


[root@server1 ~]# chsh –l                  (to check the shell)






[root@server1 ~]# chsh -s /sbin/nologin ftpuser

Changing shell for ftpuser.

Shell changed.

[root@server1 ~]# su – ftpuser

su: warning: cannot change directory to /home/ftpuser: No such file or directory

This account is currently not available.

13.  Create user without same group name as user

[root@server1 /]# useradd -N ayyappan; passwd ayyappan;id ayyappan

Changing password for user ayyappan.

New password:

BAD PASSWORD: it is WAY too short

BAD PASSWORD: is too simple

Retype new password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

uid=502(ayyappan) gid=100(users) groups=100(users)

14.  Which command to check the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow file have proper format and contain valid data.

[root@server1 Desktop]# pwck

user ‘adm’: directory ‘/var/adm’ does not exist

user ‘uucp’: directory ‘/var/spool/uucp’ does not exist

user ‘gopher’: directory ‘/var/gopher’ does not exist

user ‘avahi-autoipd’: directory ‘/var/lib/avahi-autoipd’ does not exist

user ‘pulse’: directory ‘/var/run/pulse’ does not exist

user ‘saslauth’: directory ‘/var/empty/saslauth’ does not exist

pwck: no changes

pwck [options]

-q         –           report errors only

-r          –           read only mode

-s         –           sort entries in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow by UID

15.  To show the user creating default option and how it change

[root@server1 Desktop]# useradd -D








[root@server1 Desktop]# mkdir /changehome

[root@server1 Desktop]# chsh -l






[root@server1 Desktop]# useradd -D -b /changehome/         [change default home directory]

[root@server1 Desktop]# useradd -D -s /bin/sh                     [change default shell]

[root@server1 ~]# useradd -D








[root@server1 ~]# useradd redhat

[root@server1 ~]# ls /changehome/


[root@server1 ~]# su redhat

sh-4.1$ echo $SHELL



16.  Bulk user and group add using for loop method

[root@server1 Desktop]# for USER in reegan mani anbu

> do

> useradd $USER

> echo “password” | passwd –stdin $USER

> done

Changing password for user reegan.

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Changing password for user mani.

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Changing password for user anbu.

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

[root@server1 Desktop]# for GROUP in skyark cordia

> do

> groupadd $GROUP

> done

17.  Manage Linux password expiration and aging using “chage” command.

List the password and its related details for a user

[root@server1 Desktop]# chage -l reegan

Last password change                                                             : Jul 26, 2012

Password expires                                                                    : never

Password inactive                                                                   : never

Account expires                                                                      : never

Minimum number of days between password change                        : 0

Maximum number of days between password change                       : 99999

Number of days of warning before password expires                        : 7

The reegan password is set to expire 10 days from the last password change.

[root@server1 Desktop]# chage -M 10 reegan

[root@server1 Desktop]# chage -l reegan

Last password change                                                             : Jul 26, 2012

Password expires                                                                    : Aug 05, 2012

Password inactive                                                                   : never

Account expires                                                                      : never

Minimum number of days between password change                        : 0

Maximum number of days between password change                       : 10

Number of days of warning before password expires                        : 7

Set the account expiry date for an user

[root@server1 Desktop]# chage -E 2012-08-06 reegan

[root@server1 Desktop]# chage -l reegan

Last password change                                                             : Jul 26, 2012

Password expires                                                                    : Aug 05, 2012

Password inactive                                                                   : never

Account expires                                                                      : Aug 06, 2012

Minimum number of days between password change                        : 0

Maximum number of days between password change                       : 10

Number of days of warning before password expires                        : 7

Set the account password inactive x number of days

[root@server1 Desktop]# chage -M 10 reegan

[root@server1 Desktop]# chage -l reegan

Last password change                                                             : Jul 26, 2012

Password expires                                                                    : Aug 05, 2012

Password inactive                                                                   : Aug 15, 2012

Account expires                                                                      : never

Minimum number of days between password change                        : 0

Maximum number of days between password change                       : 10

Number of days of warning before password expires                        : 7

Disable all default

[root@server1 Desktop]# chage -m 0 -M 99999 -I -1 -E -1 reegan

[root@server1 Desktop]# chage -l reegan

Last password change                                                             : Jul 26, 2012

Password expires                                                                    : never

Password inactive                                                                   : never

Account expires                                                                                  : never

Minimum number of days between password change                        : 0

Maximum number of days between password change                       : 99999

Number of days of warning before password expires                        : 7

18.  How to add bulk user using “newusers” command.

[root@server1 Desktop]# touch adduser.txt              [create one text file]

[root@server1 Desktop]# vim adduser.txt                 [add user details /etc/passwd file model]




[root@server1 Desktop]# newusers adduser.txt        [use “newusers” command]

[root@server1 Desktop]# ls /home/

babu  kumar  ayyappan

19.  Groupmems command examples

#groupmems [options] [action]


-g groupname


-a add username

-d delete username

-l list

-p purge all members from the groups

[root@server1 Desktop]# groupmems -g ibm -a ayyappan

[root@server1 Desktop]# groupmems -g ibm -a kumar

[root@server1 Desktop]# groupmems -g ibm -l

babu  ayyappan  kumar


Access Control List

[root@server1 Desktop]# for USER in ayyappan babu reegan

> do

> useradd $USER

> echo “password” | passwd –stdin $USER

> done

Changing password for user ayyappan.

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Changing password for user babu.

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Changing password for user reegan.

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

[root@server1 Desktop]# groupadd skylark

[root@server1 Desktop]# for USER in ayyappan babu reegan

> do

> usermod -G skylark $USER

> done

[root@server1 Desktop]# id ayyappan

uid=500(ayyappan) gid=500(ayyappan) groups=500(ayyappan),503(skylark)

[root@server1 Desktop]# id babu

uid=501(babu) gid=501(babu) groups=501(babu),503(skylark)

[root@server1 Desktop]# id reegan

uid=502(reegan) gid=502(reegan) groups=502(reegan),503(skylark)

[root@server1 Desktop]# mkdir /example

[root@server1 Desktop]# chown ayyappan:skylark /example

[root@server1 Desktop]# ls -ld /example

drwxr-xr-x. 2 ayyappan skylark 4096 Aug  3 12:34 /example

[root@server1 Desktop]# su – ayyappan

[ayyappan@server1 ~]$ cd /example/

[ayyappan@server1 example]$ mkdir account

[ayyappan@server1 example]$ ll

total 4

drwxrwxr-x. 2 ayyappan ayyappan 4096 Aug  3 12:36 account

[ayyappan@server1 example]$ getfacl account

# file: account

# owner: ayyappan

# group: ayyappan




[ayyappan@server1 example]$ setfacl -m u:reegan:rwx account

[ayyappan@server1 example]$ setfacl -m g:skylark:r-x account

[ayyappan@server1 example]$ setfacl -m o:— account

[ayyappan@server1 example]$ getfacl account

# file: account

# owner: ayyappan

# group: ayyappan







[ayyappan@server1 example]$ su – reegan


[reegan@server1 ~]$ cd /example/

[reegan@server1 example]$ cd account/

[reegan@server1 account]$ touch test

[reegan@server1 account]$ ll

total 0

-rw-rw-r–. 1 reegan reegan 0 Aug  3 12:39 test

[reegan@server1 account]$ su – babu


[babu@server1 ~]$ cd /example/account/

[babu@server1 account]$ touch babutest

touch: cannot touch `babutest’: Permission denied

[babu@server1 account]$ ll

total 0

-rw-rw-r–. 1 reegan reegan 0 Aug  3 12:39 test

[babu@server1 account]$ logout

[reegan@server1 account]$ logout

[ayyappan@server1 example]$ logout

[root@server1 Desktop]# useradd kumar; passwd kumar

Changing password for user kumar.

New password:

BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary word

Retype new password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

[root@server1 Desktop]# su – kumar

[kumar@server1 ~]$ cd /example/account/

-bash: cd: /example/account/: Permission denied

[kumar@server1 ~]$ logout

RHCE Linux – nologin file in etc directory and securetty file

You are the administrator of domain. Configure to deny local login to all normal users on your domain server. As well as allow to root login only on First Terminal.

First login from root user and run these command

[root@server1 Desktop]# touch /etc/nologin

[root@server1 Desktop]# cat /etc/securetty

























[root@server1 Desktop]# useradd ayyappan

[root@server1 Desktop]# echo “redhat” | passwd –stdin ayyappan

[root@server1 Desktop]# init 3

Alt + F2